Ladies and gentlemans,
after long time on our school can I now finally good-bye say and in the beforequietstand go.
I know that you all now
much fear have:
How will it wider go now on our school, ask you you - and ask I me?
It do me sorry, I know it too not, that must you self outfind.
Ha, it will not light be, that can I you but say.
Or who will now the kids
learn so perfect English how I?
I have teached since 36 years and in the year 2002, also for 16 years, named our school leader me to the English subject carer.
I believe that has he made because I speak English how a motherspeaker and I become always applause for my correctly wordputting to example.
Or believe there someone that you English better can?
Ha, come to me and I will you your ass so forsole that you your laughing forego will!
And also have I not only
much students teached what they in life need,
but have also help can much young colleagues - how you.
But therefore want I no thank from you, that have I likely maked.
Everyfalls must I say that it not so heavy was for me, because not all young colleagues are so bad. And what they not know, they can thereto learn, mucheasy.
But we know all that it
already now really much problems with the students gives.
Or: Learn they her words? Make they her homeworks?
No, they must yes always
on the handy look!
And also is it no wonder that they always lesser know and badder tests write.
But we teachers, we must always better notes give!
And what make the
parents? They believe always that they everything better know and that their poor childs it so heavy have!
And if it problems give, pull the parents before court!
Also see I black.
Or think you really that the G9 now everything better make will? Or the new competence teachplan?
Ha, dream wider, can I only say!
And when I away am: Who will now the teacher sport organize? Who will now play kegling and table tennis and volleyball?
(Zwischenruf: “Du hast kein einziges Mal Volleyball gespielt!”)
What? Speak English or hold the clap! Goes it now loose or what?! And I want you after the hour see, my friend!
So people go me really on the ghost!
But to luck is not everybody so nervy. It gives nicer colleagues. And like I say must, was it often beautiful and funny with they to speak.
Everyfalls know I and must I really say that I much peoples miss will.
But I warn you: It bring
nothing when you next year a teacher need
and me ask if I you help want.
Ha, you can me the backside downslip, that can you me believe!
But you will toright come without me, somehow, there am I sure.
And I will often at you
to example when the school in September again begins and you in the more-purpose-room sit, for five hours...
Equally: Until then wish I you beautiful holidays. Forget me not and hold the ears stiff!
You all - all good!